Green, Non-Toxic Hair Care : Sweden's Safe Hair Care Products

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I’ve been wondering more and more about why it’s important to go toxin free when it comes to my cosmetics regimen. My mom, used to caution me against the use of anything too “chemically” on my skin especially my head because, in her words, “Your brain is in there”.

As I get older, I feel like it’s taking more and more for me to feel “good” after waking up in the morning. I know part of it is the hours my brain is on and “spinning” and I am looking for ways to feel and look holistically better. But I also wonder how much of that is due to built up toxins in my system?

Did you know that over 60% of what we put on our skin is absorbed into the blood stream? The skin is the largest organ of our body, and while many of us think of what we are putting into our bodies, many don’t think as much about what we are putting on our bodies. The benefits of using toxin-free beauty products are profound, and warrant consideration for every woman.

Some toxin exposure is inevitable. For instance, sometimes while walking to work I’m caught in a plume of smoke as a bus accelerates away from the curb. I think to myself, “OH JOY! DELIGHT! I’ve just taken a pollution bath!” I don’t know about you but my goal is to reduce the toxin load little by little.

“Dozens of studies show that airborne pollutants on human skin can contribute to skin cancer, skin aging, atopic dermatitis, skin discoloration, eczema, psoriasis, and acne and can be absorbed through the skin into the body, causing a wide range of diseases.”

-German physician Dr. Barbara Sturm

Long time friend to Tousled Carin D., is a thick haired type 2 from Sweden and recently told us about a great brand local Swedish brand, Bruns Products. Did you see her comment on our last post? I’ve been reading about the line’s detox shampoo Bruns No 05: Unscented Detox Shampoo.

Why use a detox shampoo you ask?

Quick answer:

  1. To get rid of the build up from the products that you may be using,

  2. Enjoy a truly deep scalp cleanse after constant sweaty workouts; or

  3. Wash off that pollution bath you get from the bus morning after morning.

Starting with a toxin free detox shampoo is the best way to start greening your hair routine. As with any detox shampoo you should make sure and follow up with a super moisturizing conditioner like Bruns No.22: Hair Mask with Bergamot. The mask includes jojoba oil and shea butter and is reported to nourish and moisturize your hair, counteract split ends, add boost shine.

Do you have a green toxin free product that you’re in love with and would like to recommend? Are you in search of a specific green hair care product to suit your hair care needs? Leave your questions or comments in the comment box below.
