Why, Aloe There

Why Aloe The Square.png

Tousled loves natural DIY haircare. Maybe you’re wondering, aloe? Who dis? Aloe is uncomplicated. Literally grows without fuss or muss and is the perfect indoor plant (for the repeat offender plant murderers among us - no judgement).

Tousled loves aloe so much we’ve partnered with our friends at Emaan Home a mindfully and judiciously curated home and lifestyle company located in Dubai, UAE. Ensure you have your aloe within reach by using Emaan Home’s Concrete Self-Watering Pot or the beautiful and versatile size specific Grecian Bowls. Just for Tousled readers, over the next month, Emaan Home offers Tousled readers 15% off any item in Emaan Home Garden Collection with the code TOUSLED15

TOUSLED15 is active right now through 11:59 p.m. (UTC) July 7, 2019.

How does aloe make your hair say Aloe-luja?

1.       Aloe has a similar pH level to your hair's natural pH level

2.       Helps aid in soothing a dry (or sunburned) scalp and easily transforms into a multi-purpose styling product

3.       By nature, aloe vera is naturally anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antibacterial which effectively helps prevent or reduce overall dandruff

4.       As a conditioner and detangling agent this, aloe is great

5.       Aloe has 75 active ingredients like essential amino acids, vitamins, enzymes (which help repair dead skin cells on the scalp) antioxidants and minerals like copper and zinc that have been clinically proven to help promote a healthy scalp

6.       Aloe prevents itchy scalp, reduces dandruff, and combats psoriasis

While you contemplate where you’ll place your aloe vera plant (potted in your beautiful and discounted Emaan Home planter), Tousled provides you with some hair type specific aloe vera based hair masks.

Remember, the use of aloe and how well it will work for you will depend on your hair type, whether its’s coarse or fine, dry or oily or has other problems like frizz, dandruff or its super brittle.

Type 1 and Type 2 Mask (Fine hair – dandruff or psoriasis prone)

Type 1 and Type 2’s with ultra-fine hair should know that pure aloe vera gel can form a film on the hair, so this hair type may find it gives their hair too much heaviness or even a "crunchy" texture. Type 1’s and 2’s can beat that by washing the aloe vera mask out diligently before using other styling products.

·       2 tablespoons of yogurt

·       2 tablespoons of olive oil

·       1 tablespoon of honey

·       2 or 3 tablespoons of aloe vera

Mix the ingredients together in a small bowl. Work the mixture in to your entire scalp, Spend 15 minutes massaging the mask in to your scalp and hair. Let the mask penetrate for another half an hour. Rinse this mask very well (I mean extremely well) with water.

Type 1 and Type 2 Mask (boost health and shine)

·       4 tablespoons fractionated coconut oil

·       3 tablespoons aloe vera gel

·       10 drops tea tree essential oil

·       6 drops vitamin E oil

·       4 oz. Dropper Bottle

Combine your ingredients in to your dropper bottle and shake it well to combine them. Part your hair in to several sections. Drop the mixture along the part line of each section and massage the mask into your scalp at each part. Once you’ve distributed the entire mixture into your scalp, cover your air with a plastic shower cap and wrap with a towel.

Leave this mask in from 2 hours to overnight to get major benefits. Wash and style your hair as usual, and notice a fresher feeling, less irritated scalp.

Type 3 and Type 4 hair tends to be very dry, and dermatologists recommend the use of products with natural ingredients, such as aloe vera, for hair care. With its rich mix of vitamins, minerals, moisture, and more, aloe vera can help protect moisture levels in dry hair.

Type 3 and Type 4 Mask (Frizzy Hair)

·       2 tbsp. aloe vera gel

·       3 tbsp. water

·       5 to 6 drops of essential oil of your choice (Tousled loves almond oil or jojoba oil)

Blend aloe vera gel and water thoroughly. Add essential oil and mix well. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle. Shake gently. Spray on your hair to detangle and manage your curly hair. Regular application of this aloe Vera mask will help eliminate your frizz!

Type 3 and Type 4 Mask (Super Dry Hair)

·       2 tablespoons of castor oil

·       1 cup of aloe vera gel

·       2 tablespoons Fenugreek powder

Mix the ingredients well. Apply it to your scalp and your hair, and wrap your hair in a towel or cover with a shower cap. This works best overnight, so once you wake up you can wash it out and style as usual

Parting notes:

Aloe isn’t known for hair growth but for a healthy scalp which by reasonable deduction means longer hair because you can’t have beautiful long hair without a healthy scalp right?

Anything raw and made without preservatives will need to be kept in the refrigerator. To keep aloe vera from going rancid refrigerate your mask if you make a larger batch
