Favorite Things

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Oh! Oh! It’s Magic! 12 days until Christmas WHOOOT!!!

But let’s not get started on the fact that being so busy with the work, exams, solo dance parties in skivvies avoiding bedtime (…let’s not discuss it) means that one may not have quite gotten around to Christmas shopping. We won’t discuss the attempt at Black Friday shopping that was an epic fail.

Aside: A single top was purchased. It will not be wrapped or gifted to anyone else though (don’t judge…yet).

To help you on your way, Tousled has put together a hair-centric holiday gift guide with truly unique things that are sure to be well received.


Elizabeth Few Studio Leizu Throw Blanket and Pillow Case - Okay, here me out! If you’re over the age of 16 and you have siblings your mother has received everything or the thought of everything known to man in Christmas’ past. The key to great gift giving for the woman who has given you the gift of life is luxury. There is nothing more luxurious than a fantastic nap swathed in SILK! Yes, yes, yes! SILK DAHLING’S!!!! We are obsessed with the Elizabeth Few collection of pure silk cozy naturally dyed items. Give your mom a break (seriously) and gift her the perfect nap. Let’s not forget the amazing benefits of silk for hair and FACE which we have discussed in this post!


Philips Norelco Series 7200 beard trimmer with vacuum - Dad is a pretty practical guy right? I mean really practical. He’s the man who gets it done with little fuss or muss but sometimes… it’s like - “Dad! What in the hair is growing out of your ear?” Keep the main man looking his sharpest with the best beard trimmers on the market. Why do we like these so much? This trimmer keeps the process of trimmeing and clipping clean. The vacuum head sucks up 90 percent of the hairs that fall! Wait what? You may also have just shaved your Dad’s LIFE! Did you know leaving hairs on the sink has slowly contributed to your mother’s battered woman’s syndrome through the years nd she may snap and kill him at any moment. Let’s avoid the bail bondsman this holiday season, until New Years anyway.


Ah yes! Those wretches who lived in your house and stole your time with your parents and who, from time-to-time blackmailed you and who, intern, you tortured, told on and threatened. Gotta love them. Buy siblings of either gender a collection of the latest and greatest in plastic free haircare. May as well help Stinky (I mean your brother or sister) do a good deed while doing their bit to help the G.O.A.T. We recommend purchasing a few shampoo and conditioner bars in yummy scents by Ethique!

Best Friend

Your bestie! Gotta love them! Privy to the secrets, bailing you out of trouble, telling you painful truths and always willing to careen into the night in pursuit of big fun. What do you give the person who keeps you laughing, sharing and grounded all year long? For the ride or die in your life, the latest haircare line by Tracee Elis Ross is oh so good and so trendy. We haven’t tested Pattern Beauty as yet but hey if it doesn’t work out for them, they may gift it back to you and there you go winning again!!!! Couple that with a gift voucher to get a treatment at the local salon or spa and you’re good. I mean they’ve done a lot for you this year. Like that time when they helped you hatch a plan and hire that private detective…

The Crush

It’s tough to shop for your person. I mean ugh. It can’ be too much or too little. You don’ want to empty your wallet, and over kill them with premature or unbalanced love but you do want to see that look of glee on their face (and draw them in further to your web of fabulousness) don’t you? Unsolicited Advice: You gotta tell him or her that you are reaadddy for full cuffing season action pron-to! A pretty foolproof low cost kinda not too over anxious gift… BAKED GOODS! Your welcome! Especially if you bake those goods yourself. These cute cookie cutters in the shapes of bows and mustaches are just the sweetest! Do give a plate, serve some cold milk along side and let cuffing season activities commence!

Get going! Baking, wrapping and cheer with your loved ones awaits!
