

It’s been a strange time to say the least.

I’ve been absent for a while (but I have thought of you all so often). Let me explain the absence because I think you deserve an explanation. Current events aside, my strange time started in October and has kept on rolling to the present. There was a significant disappointment involving a man in there - naturally. So I decided to take a pause from blogging. A pause is always good right?

Thing is, the pause was getting a little out of hand, so I had a strong talk with myself, “Self, I said, (I’m very direct) the wheels have fallen off the soap box cart of your life and basically you are just careening down a steep hill, helmet akimbo in (let’s be honest) a large laundry basket. Pull yourself together.”

After the aforementioned talk, I threw myself head long into several talks about doing something about the wheel-less laundry basket doubling as a vehicle situation and, well, I’m back - to the basics.

For those of you new to Tousled, we are going to talk about basic haircare and other fun hair centric things that you can use in case you too feel like you’re sliding down Mt. Kilimanjaro on a garbage can lid.

Let’s start with some serious inspiration! Imagine being married and widowed at 20 and then turning your haircare idea into a multimillion dollar empire. Intriguing right? While you’re deep conditioning your hair this weekend check out the newly released Netflix miniseries inspired by the life of the haircare multimillionaires Madam C.J. Walker who went through just such a climb to greatness. The mini series titled “Self Made” is just the kind of viewing you need and may even get your creative/entrepreneurial and most importantly philanthropic juices flowing.

Although the miniseries only briefly touches on it , Walker distinguished herself on a philanthropic landscape dominated by Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller. She didn’t wait until she accumulated her wealth. Walker began to give when she was a young widowed mother with little to no “means”. She gave what she could along her road to crazy wealth.

The thing is, when you are down and it seems like things are out of control, I have personally found time and time again that the best way through that seemingly catastrophic time is giving of yourself (yep sliding down Mt. Kilimanjaro and all). While you do a deep condition this weekend, give some thought to what you can do to help someone else. It doesn’t have to be grand or involve lots of planning, just a little something to extend your hand to someone else who is sliding down the mountain in a state of less than calm along side you.
